KS3 ICT @ Wildern School

Pupils at Key Stage 3 are assessed on their ability to plan, design, create and refine their work as well as relate their projects to the world of ICT.

In year 7, this is done through teaching skills such as a spreadsheets and databases in a cross curriuclar Performance Studies (PE) unit and Control Technology which includes programming robots and making simple computer games.

In year 8, professional web design and animation software is used to develop, create and evaluate websites and animated storybooks for different audiences.

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills are largely embedded in our schemes of work and pupils are encouraged to solve problems independently as well as work in a team, develop their creativity and reflect on their learning.
We offer ICT clubs after school in order to support pupils reach their full potential and a variety of trips and projects to enrich pupils learning and foster their interest in techology.